Be Like Bill Helps Implement a PAD Program in Local Community

Be like Bill met with Carmel, Indiana council members to push for a PAD (Public Access Defibrillators) program in their community. This program will put up stand-alone heated and ventilated towers holding AEDs where anyone can access them in the event of a cardiac emergency. This forward-thinking community stands behind the health and safety of their residents and this will go a long way to increasing survival rates from SCA in their community.

The plan is to have 25+ of these towers and AEDs along their Monon Trail - a recreational path extending 5 miles through the heart of their community. Additionally, Carmel would like to have them in their 22 city parks.

We’re proud to be a part of this initiative and look forward to helping the Carmel fulfill their mission of making their city Heart Safe! Please contact us so we can help your community do the same!

Jeff and Bill speaking at the ribbon cutting ceromony

Be Like Bill Goes International!


Be Like Bill Helps Equip Police Force With AEDs